Junior Hunters (3'3'')

Year end awards sponsored by

Riders must not have reached their 18th birthday as of December 1 of the current competition year.

Official NorCal Standings

PlaceHorseRider# ShowsPriorNWC INWC IINWC IIINWC IVTotal
1Yours TrulyGianna Amerio206551116.0
2Amara ZPayton Fullmore1073.573.5
3InkwellGianna Amerio1059.559.5
4JefecitoEmeline Crain1050.550.5
5Rock HillStella Fryer1049.549.5
6Fancy ThatCharlotte Jacobs1045.045.0
7Keep It CoolLeah Kunzfeld1022.522.5
1YOURS TRULYGianna Amerio206551116
2Amara ZPayton Fullmore1073.573.5
3InkwellGianna Amerio1059.559.5
4JefecitoEmeline Crain1050.550.5
5Rock HillStella Fryer1049.549.5
6FANCY THATCharlotte Jacobs104545
7KEEP IT COOLLeah Kunzfeld1022.522.5

* Only the top 10 shows will be counted.

Please report any issues with points as shown here.

Thank you sponsors!